Does it matter which school I attend during the regular school year?

No. Students attending any school can attend GSACRD Summer School, and the credits will still be recorded on your official Alberta Education transcript.

Can I complete the orientation course on another day?

No. The orientation course is mandatory and must be completed on the posted date provided in your registration package. Please ensure that you attend on the posted orientation date and time. You will receive an email with this information soon after you register

If a student has already taken the orientation course in last year's Summer School, does he or she have to take it again?

If a student is registered for a CORE course, he or she is still required to attend the assigned Core Course Starter Session at 8-9:30 a.m. on the orientation date. 

If a student is taking a COMPLEMENTARY course and has previously taken the orientation course, he or she does not need to take it again. However, in this case, the student must notify the course registrar by email that they have previously completed the orientation (registrar.ss@gsacrd.ab.ca).

Why are students required to attend daily?

Core courses - MUST ATTEND DAILY:

One day in a Summer School course is equivalent to one week of a regular semester. To ensure success, attendance is mandatory for in-class courses.

Online Courses - CALM, PE and Religious Studies
No face-to-face attendance is necessary.

Is it difficult to complete a core course in the the 3.5 weeks of Summer School?

To complete a core course in the 3.5 weeks provided, it takes commitment and hard work. One day of Summer School is equivalent to about a week of regular school classes. If you have a job during this time where you are working more than one day a week , this will make successful completion difficult.

Students repeating a core course:
If you are repeating a core course you should be able to complete within the 3.5 weeks in class time (8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., daily), as well as some homework in the evening.  

If you are taking a core course for the first time, you should expect to do a substantial amount of extra work on your course outside of class hours.

Can I work at a job after I am finished classes for the day?

It depends.

If you are repeating the course, then yes, you can likely work in the evening. However, if you are doing an exceptionally challenging core course for the first time, you may want to approach the course in a way that gives you time to complete extra work outside of class hours.

Working once or twice a week may be possible during the 3.5 weeks of the course. Also, remember that you will be tired after putting in a 5 hour day at school working on your course. Leaving school and going straight to a 6-8 hour shift could feel like your are working two jobs, which will be exhausting over an extended period of time.

I will be away for the first week - is that a problem?

Core Course - Blended Program core courses: students must complete the core course starter session and must begin working on their core courses immediately in order to complete the course on time. You must attend all scheduled classes. 

Complementary online courses: depending on the course, many students are successful in finishing a course, if they are away for the first few days. However, if you are new to taking courses online with GSACRD, it is mandatory you attend and complete the orientation course. Time provided in email you will receive after registration.

When are the diploma exams? If I am away, can they be rescheduled?

The dates and times of the Diploma exams are set by Alberta Education and cannot be rescheduled.  Schedule can be found in Quick Links

Do CALM, Phys Ed, or Religious Studies online courses have final exams that must be written on-site?

No. All exams for these courses are completed online.

Can out-of-province students register for Summer School classes?

All out-of-province students are required to pay as a non-funded student. Please contact us for more information.

Is it possible to take more than one course in Summer School?

Core courses (Math Science, Social, English)
Students may only take one core class. It is possible to take online Phys Ed while taking a core course, but this may be difficult for some students to manage due to the number of activity hours required for PE....  taking a core course in Summer School is all most students can handle. Religious Studies and CALM can NOT be taken at the same time as a CORE course.

Online courses 
Students taking online courses will only be approved to take a maximum of one core course or two complementary courses (CALM, PE, Religious Studies).  

Is the school open on weekends? Are teachers available on weekends?

Teachers will be on-site for the orientation course and available virtually between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on weekdays. Online course materials and resources can be accessed at any time.

How many students are in a class?

Classroom courses 
We require a minimum number of students in order to run a course. The average class size is similar to that of a class during the regular school year.

Do you provide computers?

We have a limited number of computers on-site. Students are encouraged to bring their own devices.

What does Phys Ed look like online

All online Phys Ed students can complete the course online. There are approximately 10 assignments and an activity log, where students must report 32 hours of completed activity for a 3-credit course (PE 10 and 20) and 64 hours of activity for the 5-credit PE 30 course. Students must also complete a 2-hour leadership activity of their choice.  Other than the hours of activity, there is no difference between the two courses.

Students may contact their teacher online through school email or virtually between 8 a.m. and 1:00 pm on summer school days.

  • Phys Ed 10 (3 credit)
  • Phys Ed 20 (3 credit)
  • Phys Ed 30 (5 credit)

Leadership activity
From the course....
The vision for the Leadership Activity for this course is to have students successfully plan, organize and administer a recreational program that they have developed for others.The Leadership Activity involves you leading/directing an activity (volunteering) that is at least 2 hours in duration then summarizing your experience (by completing the assignment). You can complete your Leadership Activity by having more than one session.

Examples) help coach a sport; teach your parents to water ski; create an exercise program for someone and support them in working out; organize a tournament for kids in the community.

How do I know which courses I have completed in Summer School?

All courses are submitted to Alberta Education and will show up on your permanent transcript, which can be accessed by logging on to your MyPass account.

You will be sent an email by email by July 30.

Do I have to be a student at GSACRD to take courses at Summer School?

No. All high school students in Alberta are welcome to register for our Summer School programs. 

Core course students must write all exams onsite at SACHS, therefore we do not accept students for core courses that are farther than a 1 hour drive from St. Albert.

Are there any fees?

There are no fees to register for a core course or for a complementary online course.

The Face-to-face Phys Ed 10 Class at SACHS or MCHS has a fee of $50.

Adult students (age 20 or older, as of Sept 1) and students who are not residents of Alberta must pay registration fees for any courses. Fee is $600.


Do you accept adult students or students who are not residents of Alberta?

Yes. Adult students (age 20 or older, as of Sept. 1, 2021) and students who are non-Alberta residents may register for courses but are required to pay for these courses. 

I do not live in the Greater St. Albert area. Can I still take Summer School courses?

Students taking CORE courses must attend daily and write all exams onsite, therefore we do not accept student more than 1 hours from St. Albert.

Students taking ONLINE courses can live outside of the St. Albert area. If course materials (books) are required, they must be picked up and returned in person. Books will not be shipped.


Do the parents of students new to GSACRD get a Parent Login for Powerschool?

Parents of new students to GSACRD will use the student username and password to access powerschool