Summer School Registration Form

Student Address

Note: Student Authorization - subject to foreign fees.

Please scan and upload the document of your choice. Alternately, you can drop off, or mail, a photocopy of the document in a sealed, labelled envelope, to GSACRD District Office at: 6 St. Vital Avenue St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 1K2.

Options of Acceptable Documentation: Birth Certificate (Canadian),Valid Passport (Canadian), Alberta Government Identification Card Immigration Papers (including Refugee), Treaty Card (Number), Permanent Resident Card, Temporary Resident Papers, Legal Guardianship (Court Order), Valid Parent’s Work or Study Permit, Parent’s Citizenship.

Student registration cannot be completed without a copy of a legal document from one of the above ten options that provides proof of legal name, age and citizenship or immigration status.

Note: If a parenting order or any other legal document governing the access, custody, contact, protection or guardianship of your child exists, a copy must be provided for the student record.

*Allowed file types for upload are pdf, pages, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, or png.

Does the student have an Individualized Program Plan at their current school, identifying approved accommodations that they require in order to be successful?

If you did not attend a GSACRD school last year, please scan and attach a birth certificate below, or mail a photocopy to

6 St. Vital Avenue
St. Albert, Alberta  T8N 1K2

Choose File No file chosen

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Medical/Emergency Information

If yes, please fill in the space above with Medical information.

In the event of an Emergency, the school will contact the appropriate medical personnel

Citizenship or Immigration Status

Course Requests

Please check off the courses you wish to register for.

Those students requesting a core course should limit their request to that single course.

Those students requesting complementary courses should limit their request to 2 courses (Phys Ed, CALM, Religious Studies). If you finish your 2 courses with enough time to complete a third, please contact Summer School admin at that time and we can add a third.

Online Courses - July 2nd to July 21st

All core courses will be on-site at SACHS - instructions will be given at the core course starter session on July 2nd.

July 3rd to July 25th

- You may only select one Core Course

Classroom-Based Courses - July 2nd - July 25th

Classroom-Based Courses - July 3rd - 10th

Classroom-based courses will only run if there are enough students registered.

As indicated by my typed signature below, I declare that I am the parent of the registered student, and that the information provided on this registration form, which is a legal document, is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I understand that the typing of my name in the box below is to act in exchange for a written signature.